February 2017

Social Media habits of Millennials

The time that we live in today revolves largely around technology and the use of social media. Individuals invest lots of their time online and it has come to the point where people have a different version of themselves which they only express online. A world where what we share on a social media site reflects who we are as a person. Recently Facebook has made a major change and introduced further changes to the algorithms used on their cite. They use what is called the ‘echo effect’ where Facebook filters through your likes, comments, posts to find what they think you like and what you don’t like therefore you are feed changes and you are surrounded by news and ideas that you are expected to relate to and like.

This blog will talk about different media sites and how social media changes the way people these days consume news. Social network sites allow people to stay connected to each and there is the ability to share information with a click of a button making it easy and efficient for all users however some use it more than others.

Personally, I don’t often read the daily news about events happening worldwide whilst my dad on the other hand will read the Guardian UK every morning to stay updated. This is a big difference between our two generations as I receive news about event through posts that people have shared on Facebook instead of reading a fuller more in depth description about the world news today on proper news website such as the BBC or the New York Times. Facebook is one of the top media sources that people use to get their news about events as people can view posts that their friends have shared however Facebook has been receiving consumption that wasn’t anticipated

According to the Journalism and Media website, 6 of 10 people in the US get their news on social media websites. Reddit is the most popular followed by Facebook then Twitter. Reddit is a social media platform where they share social news, web content ratings as well as a discussion page where people can contribute by voting on articles or stories and add to a conversation that others have previously
shared. In a study conducted by the American Press Institute, about 9 in 10 say they use Twitter for news daily as one can receive up-to date live updates based on multiple tweets anywhere on their cell phone. Even though snapchat isn’t in the top 3 sources the application has become ever so popular in the recent years and with a new feature they call ‘discover’ where the application combines different social networks, online magazines and news articles it is making it easier for people to stay connected to what is happening. Discover features publications such as the Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, The food Network, The Washington Post, CNN, National geographic and a whole lot more.

