Malaysia Creates a “Minute of Silence” Mobile Campaign

In remembrance of the fatal crash of the Malaysian Air flight, the Malaysian government has created a website,, which allows users to register a digital minute of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives.  How do people digitally register this minute of silence?  Simple.  Just access the website and then turn on Airplane Mode on your device using the mobile site.  A countdown timer then locks your phone until a minute is elapsed, then reconnects and allows you to share your commitment on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.  To

Since Remembrance Day was not too long ago, I can’t help but wonder if this is a useful way to engage those who do not attend a formal ceremony on Nov 11.  If you’re stuck working on Nov 11, this could be an excellent way to show your support when crunched for time.  This Malaysian campaign also shows a total of the minutes of silence completed by users, but Remembrance Day could leverage it’s universal symbol of support by awarding users a digital poppy for their commitment.

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