Dissecting the Social and Digital Advertising (SoDA) Report: Part 2

In my last post, I introduced the SoDA report and commented on the criteria Forrester Research developed to summarize the qualities of successful branded apps.  However, I did not get to discuss the far more promising list proposed by Harvard Business Review:

  1. Add convenience
  2. Offer unique value
  3. Provide social value
  4. Offer incentives
  5. Entertain

1, 4 and 5 are self-explanatory but 2 and 3 might require some details which are not evident from the name of the criteria alone.  Offering unique value entails providing clients with features in apps that aren’t available through a website and the most obvious way to do that is to use features that are specific to a smartphone or tablet rather than a desktop.  GPS, QR scanning, tilt sensors and many other device-specific features are some of the most obvious, and often the most compelling, ways to build unique features and value into apps.  Social value in this case generally ties into cause marketing and other initiatives which allow users to become part of something bigger than just the usual consumption-fest.

What I really applaud HBR for is that, rather than vaguely describing abstract qualities of successful apps in a cohort, it has actually provided useful, practical advice through it’s criteria.

Want people to adopt your branded app?  It can’t just be a re-skin of your website that’s been better optimized for mobile or tablet users.  It has to have a function that utilizes the device in a way that makes a particular task easier or specific information more readily accessible when needed.  Numerous consumer brands with their own retail locations have done extremely well by allowing their clients to scan barcodes or QR codes with their phones to see reviews on stock before buying, or providing complimentary items and enhancing the shopping experience.  A real-life Amazon recommendation service if you will.

And while these features are useful, to keep people using the app time and again, you need to keep them engaged.  Providing social value through initiatives, entertaining them and providing exclusive incentives are fantastic ways to do so and all 3 methods can be leveraged for maximum user acquisition and retention.

If I ever have to design an app, these 5 qualities will absolutely be part of the checklist that will guild me through the process.

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