Samsungs mocks iPhone 5 Buyers

As more and more people are buying the iPhone 5, Samsung is coming out with new techniques of marketing to promote the Samsung Galaxy S III. The rivalry between the Samsung and Apple has been brewing for a while, and now it is reaching new levels where Samsung directly targets iPhone 5 buyers and mocks them for purchasing it.

This advertisement which has aired on many networks, shows loyal Apple customers waiting in line to purchase “the next big thing” and Samsung ironically mocks the customers and claims that “the next big thing is already here”. This is a very creative marketing strategy and it seems as though it is working; shown by the increase in sales of Samsung S III phones. Even though Apple won the major lawsuit and sued Samsung, the sales for the Galaxy S III did not decline as shown in the chart below. In fact, the sales for the S III inclined when the final verdict for the lawsuit was released and also when the iPhone 5 announcement was made.

This new marketing approach is indeed helping the S III sales because it has a different style and is appealing to the audience; it is ultimately attracting more consumers towards the S III who eventually purchase the phone. The irony placed in these advertisements is extremely entertaining and thus the S III is gaining popularity.

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