Sparking Smart Meters Ignite Public Outrage in BC

BC Hydro is now sparking debates through out BC over the new smart meters. BC Hydro is a crown corporation that was formed in 1961 and has been supplying electricity to BC since. They are now introducing a new system to monitor consumption of electricity within households and businesses. This new system uses smart meters and BC Hydro claims that these new meters helps in saving money and makes it easy to manage electrical consumption.

However, these new smart meters collect a lot of personal information and BC Hydro assures BC residents that “all customer information collected by [the] new meter will be handled in accordance with B.C.’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act” and “this Act prohibits BC Hydro from selling or disclosing personal information to third parties, unless authorized to do so by law.” With all this being said, there are still major uncertainties among the residents of BC and many are refusing the installation of these meters for their homes.

As stated in the video above, these smart meters use radiation to monitor hourly consumption of electricity and that radiation could potentially be cancerous. BC residents and businesses do not have a choice because there is no other substitute for this powerful corporation. BC Hydro is neglecting the the views of costumers and is forcing these smart meters upon everyone. Is this the start of “Big Brother”?

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