As geographers we study the natural and social processes that create and shape our environments. The courses at UBC examine the interconnectedness of society and the natural world from perspectives both global and local.

By studying the relationships between people and place, we can explore the contemporary challenges facing humanity and develop solutions to tackle these issues.

Through my time at UBC I have had the opportunity to:

  • Use geo-spatial data analysis to understand the patterns of an increasingly complex and data driven world, from mapping flood patterns to charting inequalities
  • Work across multiple disciplines from the sciences, social sciences and humanities to understand complex problems
  • Develop and practice persuasive public speaking skills and written communication skills that integrate a broad range of perspectives


Geography Courses taken at UBC:

GEOB 102: Our Changing Environment – Climate and Ecosystems
GEOB 200: Atmospheric Environments
GEOB 270: Geographic Information Systems
GEOB 305: Introduction to Hydrology
GEOG 310: Environment and Sustainability
GEOG 312: Climate Change: Science and Society
GEOG 316: Geography of Natural Hazards
GEOG 328: Constructing Canada
GEOG 329: Political Geography
GEOG 362: Geography of Economic Development
GEOB 372: Cartography
GEOB 373: Introduction to Remote Sensing
GEOG 380: Geography of Asia
GEOB 402: Air Pollution Meteorology
GEOG 410: Environment and Society
GEOB 472: Research in Cartography and Geovisualizations