Monthly Archives: May 2015

Advantages and Dangers?

What are some of the advantages and dangers of the process of standardization of knowledge and instructional practices? A very interesting and engaging topic this week as today I was at a workshop to discuss the implementation of the new … Continue reading

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Frameworks for Analysis

Chose an organization, which you are familiar with, and using the ADDIE model and the “Agile Design” model outlined by Bates’ (2014), evaluate its educational technology conditions. I am going to have a look at and describe the recent changes … Continue reading

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Try to assess your “technological proficiency’ using the criteria listed in the ISTE (2008) document and in the Chickering & Ehrmann’ (1996)  article, see to what extent these “ideal types” represent your digital competencies and skills acquired and used in your … Continue reading

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Hello ETEC 565 Colleagues

Hello fellow ETEC 565 colleagues, My Name is Grant Naylor and I live in Kamloops, British Columbia, about a three and a half hour drive northeast of Vancouver.  I am currently working as a grade 7 teacher at one of the … Continue reading

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