Hello ETEC 565 Colleagues

Hello fellow ETEC 565 colleagues,

My Name is Grant Naylor and I live in Kamloops, British Columbia, about a three and a half hour drive northeast of Vancouver.  I am currently working as a grade 7 teacher at one of the local elementary schools.  My wife and I (who is also a teacher) have three children ranging in age from 13 to 3.  They keep us very busy.  I have been teaching for almost ten years now and this is my fourth course in the MET program.  Previously, I have taken ETEC 500, 510, & 532.  Currently, my school district is overhauling their outlook and moving towards a technology driven model of 21st century/inquiry based learning.  My school is very progressive and had a really strong administrator who has made available many platforms, affordances, and opportunities to improve upon best practice.  At the moment, I am also currently applying for our school districts Leadership and Development Program which is a two year program that trains both educational leaders in leadership positions and administrators. To top it off this month, my family and I are also moving into a new home at the end of May.  Something tells me the next few weeks are going to be busy.  In my free time, I enjoy exercising, playing hockey and slow pitch.   

Looking Forward to Working with Everyone!!!


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