Mobile Technologies

  1. Give an example of organizational policy that regulate “use of mobile technology” or “mobile devices”. What is the purpose of these rules?

Coming from the perspective of an elementary school, organizational policy that regulates the ¨use of mobile technology¨ or ¨ mobile devices¨ in our district is stipulated and regulated from the School District Level.  Organizational policy states that students are not to bring mobile technology or mobile devices to school.  I know that this changes when students enter the high school setting for a variety of reasons.   The purpose of these rules are to ensure that students are safe and that such devices are not being used in inappropriate manners.  However, I have noticed two scenarios which challenge this policy in our school.  First, what I have noticed is that this policy while in place, is certainly not followed at all schools and by all administration and teaching staff.  Second, many parents of students as young as Grade 4 age are sending students to school with such devices and are arguing that they are being sent for safety purposes.  As we move forward with 21st Century Learning models and the integration of technology, our school district technology coordinator suggests the following:

Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective tech integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research shows deepen and enhance the learning process. In particular, it must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts. Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent and when technology supports curricular goals. (Edutopia, 2008).  Information, Media and Technology skills are one of the critical foundation pieces of the Framework for 21st Century Learning (

If we are to push forward into the realm of 21st Century Constructivist Learning classrooms, I would argue that mobile technology and mobile devices are an important and integral component in fostering such an initiative.  To further set the scene in our elementary school, I have a very progressive 21st Century administrator who while following the district policy in terms of the encouragement of digital citizenship and appropriate use of technology, including mobile devices, also sees the impact that these devices have in the classroom setting.  As such, he is more than happy to give students wireless access to such devices and allow them in the classroom under the provision that they are to be used for educational assignments.  As the classroom teacher, I see the significant learning benefits to my students in his support of such devices.  It is important to note however, that he is quick to remove the privilege of accessing our school wireless network and removing said device if a student does not choose to practice digital citizenship.

I find after having a look at the UBC Digital Tattoo site, I find that many of the challenges that educators face in terms of digital citizenship are addressed as well as the teaching of some of the positive aspects and affordances that technology can bring to the learning environment.  I found these positive aspects very intriguing as I think as educators that we can sometimes tend to treat digital citizenship education as a list of ¨don’t do that¨, instead of addressing the potential impacts that technology integration and affordances can have.

  1. In what way mobile-learning affects the instructional design practices?

After reading the single-case study by Ciampa (2013), I am encouraged to see that educators, administrators, and district officials are seeing the positive impact that mobile learning can have on students and the instructional design practices of educators.  I believe that Ciampa (2013) has hit on some extremely important points surrounding both student and educator motivation around the learning environment.  The six key components (challenge, curiosity, control recognition, competition, and cooperation) hit on each of the components integral to a successful 21st Century student.  That these are both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators as well, instructs students to the fact that they have the abilities to be successful and enjoy the process, with technology as a tool and affordance that will promote their individual success.  One point that Ciampa (2013) suggests in his case-study is the significance that  immediate feedback offers students in encouraging them to push forward on difficult problems.  I have seen this first hand in my classroom and see the significant levels of motivation and enthusiasm towards the task at hand rise.  Certainly if I think about my own pedagogical practice, given that I have access to both mobile technology and Chromebooks in the classroom at a one to one ratio, I seek to create the inclusive learning environment that ¨engages all students regardless of ability, disability, background or learning style” (Ciampa, 2013, p. 91).  If you are to walk into my classroom at almost any point in the day, you will see my students in collaboration with one another.

  1. What could be some of the mobile-learning specific rules for creating educational materials?

As I look to address the development of mobile-learning specific rules for creating educational materials, I believe that the rules should not hinder as Ciampa (2013) suggests the satisfaction level, promoting continuing motivation to learn, and the personalized, learner centric nature that promotes authentic learning experiences.  They must also be mobile friendly educational materials.  However, while creating these materials that will increase pupil engagement, there does still have to be specific rules that address the digital citizenship component around using such devices, and there has to still be a bottom line for inappropriate use of mobile devices.

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