Assignment 3 Reflection

Over the course of looking at what my partner and I have created through assignment 2, it was great to have the opportunity to look closely at one of the themes and generate some detail and substance for our learners.  One of the great opportunities that I felt arose from this assignment was the opportunity to be very reflective in decisions around why we chose to include elements, tools, and assessment components centered around the learning outcomes.  I think that one of the biggest challenges faced by teachers and educators today is the demand for students to be learning as much as they can in a very short period of time.  As I mentioned in my reflection around assignment 2, this creates a “complete as quick as possible ideal or mindset” due to the constraints placed upon us by the sheer number of curricular outcomes.  Reflective through this assignment I learned that the digital tools and elements that we used and utilized will enable me to be stronger at covering content in a thoughtful, sequential and in-depth manner without compromising what needs to be taught and completed.  One area that I profess to not be as confident in as my partner was the usefulness in gaming that is strategically developed to support the learning process.  This had me thinking as we finished up this assignment to opportunities that I know have arisen before in class that would have been supported well through gaming.  Further, it made me think about how students, especially those at the age that I teach, view gaming, are active participants in gaming, and how the communication that they utilize supports them in the process.
Again, with this assignment as with the first two where I have worked in groups, I was such an active participant and engaged in the process due to the collaborative nature of these assignments.  Throughout my courses thus far in the MET program, I am thoroughly enjoying the collaborative side of the process as learning through a community of learners is most certainly most beneficial to my learning needs.  This assignment also enabled me to be very reflective again and I enjoyed the opportunity to continue to practice being a reflective learner.

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