Copyright Distribution

  1. What type of authorship license you would chose for your Learning Module Project (the Assignment 2 or Assignment 3)?

The question of authorship license most certainly plays an integral role in the field of academia.  As others have already mentioned, authorship and credit for authorship is integral for copyright infringement to be avoided.  For the Learning Module Project (Assignment 2 and 3) I would choose a very open authorship license.  I would choose very open because as an educator, I am a firm believer in open dialogue between educators and open sharing of resources that will best support the students that we are educating.  As such I would choose to establish sharing rights to my assignment through Creative Commons.  Of the six authorship licenses, I would choose Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike as it affords others the greatest opportunity to be creative with the materials that I am using, and given that this license provides for NonCommercial sharing, it would be something that I think would best fit educational sharing of ideas and best practices between educators.

In regards to authorship license, I question in today’s ever changing world the open public domain affordance that grants public use after 50 years for most materials in Canada.  While I am all for crediting authorship and think that this must remain integral to works that are available to all, the wave surrounding the 21st century and dissemination of information occurs at a very rapid pace with internet use.  As such, information changes rapidly, and by the time this information might be free to use publically, it is already a ¨relic¨ to what you can access through the internet.

  1. If that is a group project, what your colleagues would choose? What negotiations procedure, you would offer to your group members to come to an agreement on the licensing options for your project?

In regards to question #2, I believe that my colleague would also choose to go the route of Creative Commons.  Given that she is an educator as well, I believe that she would choose the most open option to provide others with the opportunity to learn and utilize her work in the classroom as would I.  Throughout the first four courses of the MET program, I have yet to work in a group where licensing agreement was a challenge.  Another affordance that I appreciate with Creative Commons is the six possibilities that are available to authorship of work.  I believe that one of these six would stand out in a group based project in this program.

  1. How does the discussion of copyright and internet freedom influence your teaching?

The discussion of copyright and internet freedom is a daily conversation and teachable moment with students when teaching in my classroom.  In the age of information that we live in, students have quick and easy access to a wealth of information.  One of the largest challenges that many educators face is ensuring that they teach the digital citizenship necessary to enable students to see the necessity for giving credit to works used.  I know that when I begin a project that requires the use of the internet to gather and collect information, I have conversations to remind students of the importance of how we are to use others works to avoid copyright infringement.  Students are very understanding to the importance of giving credit to others work.  I know that as an educator, I have to be very mindful of how I use resources that I have accessed to ensure that I practice what I teach in the eyes of the students.  One area that I hope to get better with this is my blog and class website.

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