Content Module

Digital Citizenship Unit: Grade 6 Moodle Experience

Prepared by: Shafali Hamir, Grant Naylor

Assignment #3


Dr. Tatiana Bourlova

Link to: ETEC565A Assignment 3

Link toDigital Citizenship Moodle

Username: student66b    Password: @Student66b

Screenshot 2015-07-04 at 8.56.30 PM

Creating a Content Module for Online Course

Continue exploring and experimenting with the affordances and limitations of individual LMS. This assignment has two components: (1) an educational module (or learning object) which you create within the LMS environment, and (2) a Project documentation part, in which you provide information on the main components of your module: learning objectives, assessment methods and tools, communication methods and tools, content elements and navigation elements. This educational module for an online course should

(1) be designed and structured  according to the stated learning objectives;
(2) incorporate assessment tools;
(3) incorporate communication tools;
(2) incorporate several content elements designed in instructional format,
(3) use graphic and/or media elements.

Assignment 3 is about one module of your course, so the focus is on the learning objectives (pedagogical, didactic, etc.) for one particular unit: you chose its structure (that outlines an optimal way to achieve learning objectives via combining particular content elements and activities), tools (for learning and practicing skills: analytical, communicative,
collaborative, creativity, knowledge construction), media (incorporating graphic and other digital media formats for achieving the unit’s learning objectives).

In the documentation file you are asked to reflect on the way you are using the tools and design elements, to explain the pedagogical, didactic, organizational value of these particular elements and your design solutions, to demonstrate your awareness of the role of these elements in constructing optimal learning experience.

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