Course Evaluation Synthesis

Link to Assignment 4: ETEC 565A Assignment 4

Assignment 4

Summarize your experiences with this course focusing on one of the two options:

option 1: Learning experience, skills development and knowledge construction

1. Summarize your ePortfolio front page postings: compare your initial plan and your preliminary results with the ETEC 565a course.

2. Summarize your experience working with the different LMS platforms and digital tools in this course. Which of your newly developed or improved technological skills contribute to your professional and academic activities? Which of you designer and ascetic preferences and instructional values have been transformed, or acquired in the process ?

3. Evaluate the quality of your learning experience. Consider how valuable for your learning and knowledge construction was the role of such course components as (1) the reading materials, (2) the discussions themes and questions, (3) the individual and group project work, (4) the range of LMSs for experimenting with and creating course projects. Have you been experiencing any unexpected, emergent effects as a result of your course activities, what that was? Whether having an open access WordPress version of the ETEC 565a in addition to the password protected discussions and assignments submission pages on Connect was beneficial to your experience in this course or had no impact? What, you think, did not work well or has not been properly organized in this course? Would you prefer having only the Connect course site with all the activities and contents accessible in one place?

4. Publish this Summary on the “Synthesis” page  of your ePortfolio.

5. Submit your assignment 4 using the Assignments Dropbox on the Connect course page as a message with the URL of your “Synthesis” ePortfolio page.

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