Thinking Ahead


  1. What do you think about the perspectives of MOOC?

The ideas of open education as Bates (2014) suggests on the surface sound very appealing to the overall goal of educating the masses.  After all, education for all, open access to programs and courses, along with the ability to access research and textbooks certainly on the surface support this goal.  MOOCs certainly do provide open access to programs and courses along with research and textbooks.  I do find that the concept of increasing availability of open course design as integral to the development of some of the 21st century learning objectives that we are working towards with our students.  As Bates (2014) suggests, the greater focus on skill development is a strength to open learning course designs.  Further, Bates (2014) suggests that Open Education will further develop the learner-centered approach, which is also a key component in Anderson’s (2008a) article.  I know from this perspective, I work hard in my own classroom to develop these learner-centered approaches to concept and skill development, encouraging the management of learning in an individual manner, developing skills necessary to be successful in both problem, and project based learning opportunities.  Finally, as suggested by Bates (2014), a collaborative learning experience is enables students to work in the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.  These are areas again that are integral in the day-to-day workings of many classrooms.  

  1. Could this globally targeted format of learning be used locally, with some better results?

Thinking from the perspective of a publically funded education system (K-12), the usefulness of MOOCs and Open Education Resources (OERs) makes sense in terms of the affordability issues that public education systems face.  I agree with Bates (2014) however, in that these OERs need to be carefully designed in order for them to be integrated successfully at any education level.   Providing alternatives and choice for students in today’s day and age are an important component, and given that MOOCs are an alternative, it would be important that they can be integrated and modified to meet the needs of each situation in question for them to be successful.  I think that if these aspects can be built upon then the global target can be utilized successfully in a more local environment.  For instance, many educators use some form of online platform (blogs, websites) to support their learning environment.  MOOCs are but another tool that could be utilized within this role.


  • Bates, T. (2014). Chapter 10: Trends in Open Education. Teaching in digital age (online book)
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