Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thinking Ahead

  What do you think about the perspectives of MOOC? The ideas of open education as Bates (2014) suggests on the surface sound very appealing to the overall goal of educating the masses.  After all, education for all, open access … Continue reading

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Assignment 3 Reflection

Over the course of looking at what my partner and I have created through assignment 2, it was great to have the opportunity to look closely at one of the themes and generate some detail and substance for our learners. … Continue reading

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A Restrictive Choice

Evgeny Morozov in his critique of technological solutionizm (in “To Save Everything Click Here”, Chapter 6), distinguishes between the restrictive/prohibitive technological design solutions and those, which instead offer a broader range of choices. What examples of the restrictive and the … Continue reading

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Digital Element for Assignment 3

Given the wide range of digital tools that are available to educators and students to both develop content and work within Anderson’s (2008a) four key attributes of learning; learner, knowledge, assessment, and community centered, I have created a digital element … Continue reading

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Copyright Distribution

What type of authorship license you would chose for your Learning Module Project (the Assignment 2 or Assignment 3)? The question of authorship license most certainly plays an integral role in the field of academia.  As others have already mentioned, … Continue reading

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Social Media

What new learning outcomes could the use of social media help develop? Social media use in the classroom is further enhancing the digital literacies of our students in the push for 21st century learning models.  One of the first learning … Continue reading

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Assignment 2 Reflection

Throughout the course of assignment 2, I feel as though I learned of the importance in the Backward Design Model that Wiggins & McTighe (2004) suggest in putting the learner first.  I have found in the past with the constraints … Continue reading

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Trinh Case Study

What looks problematic to you in this case? Trinh faces a variety of challenges within this case.  The most problematic challenge that appears is the communication issue.  Trinh has far to many methods for students to communicate with her.  As … Continue reading

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Assessment Challenges

  Are there other methods that are equally as economical, particularly in terms of instructor time, that are more suitable for assessment in a digital age? For instance, do you think automated essay grading is a viable alternative? When looking … Continue reading

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Learning Interactions

Anderson (2008a) distinguishes effective learning attributes using learning focus as a criteria. He gives four ideal types: learner-centered, knowledge centered, assessment centered, community centered. What are some of the examples from your teaching experience, which fit the Anderson’s learning attributes? … Continue reading

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