Category Archives: Uncategorized

Assignment 1 Reflection

Working in a group of 5 across multiple time zones, our group looked to develop and create a platform evaluation for Learning Management Systems that would be beneficial to a non-profit Canadian organization; Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Canada.  Using … Continue reading

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Mobile Technologies

Give an example of organizational policy that regulate “use of mobile technology” or “mobile devices”. What is the purpose of these rules? Coming from the perspective of an elementary school, organizational policy that regulates the ¨use of mobile technology¨ or … Continue reading

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Benoît Questions

What would be your advice to Benoît about the LMS choice in this context? Explain your reasoning. In the case of Benoit, I commend his movement towards a more hybrid or blended learning module.  As Bates (2014) suggests this type … Continue reading

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Advantages and Dangers?

What are some of the advantages and dangers of the process of standardization of knowledge and instructional practices? A very interesting and engaging topic this week as today I was at a workshop to discuss the implementation of the new … Continue reading

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Frameworks for Analysis

Chose an organization, which you are familiar with, and using the ADDIE model and the “Agile Design” model outlined by Bates’ (2014), evaluate its educational technology conditions. I am going to have a look at and describe the recent changes … Continue reading

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Try to assess your “technological proficiency’ using the criteria listed in the ISTE (2008) document and in the Chickering & Ehrmann’ (1996)  article, see to what extent these “ideal types” represent your digital competencies and skills acquired and used in your … Continue reading

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Hello ETEC 565 Colleagues

Hello fellow ETEC 565 colleagues, My Name is Grant Naylor and I live in Kamloops, British Columbia, about a three and a half hour drive northeast of Vancouver.  I am currently working as a grade 7 teacher at one of the … Continue reading

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