Online Delivery Platform Evaluation

Platform Evaluation for a Community Organization

             -Group Assignment Document

“Platform Evaluation”  – Group Assignment Criteria

LMS are designed to incorporate multiple functions serving multiple user audiences and specific organizational purposes. Thus, naturally, LMS can get different evaluation scores when assessed from these different perspectives. Course designer evaluation of a platform will differ from an instructor or student evaluations, an educational administrator assessment categories will not coincide with parameters used by a system administrator assessing LMS functionality.

In this assignment you are asked to evaluate an online delivery platform from an organizational standpoint (considering organizational mission, efficiency and sustainability).

In this course we are focusing on the following LMS and platforms: the UBC based Connect,Moodle, WordPress, and EdX.Edge; and a cloud based platform – eliademy. Conduct LMS evaluation, consider how implementing one LMS or a combination of several can help your organization to achieve its stated goals. Write a report to inform the organizational decision-making about implementation of a particular LMS (or a combination of tools) within the organization.

Working as a group, determine criteria, and provide clear reasons for recommending a particular tool(s) to this organization. Consider how this choice will affect the organizational goals, the resources available, and some of the organization’s perspectives.

1. Choose one of the following organizational contexts

– A secondary School (K-12);

– A community organization (non-profit or for-profit);

– An institution of higher education.

2. Subscribe to a corresponding group, via Assignments Groups on the Connect course page, you may use this discussion as your group collaboration-space. The group limit is 5 participants.

3. Working as a group write a report – Platform/LMS Evaluation. The purpose of this report is to inform the decision about what LMS better fits the goals and the context of your organization.

(A) Briefly describe an organization of your choice, the reasons for LMS implementation, (consider the organizations’ needs and resources) and what does this organization plan to achieve as a result.

(B) Explain what functionality (elements, qualities, affordances and features) of a particular LMS informs your recommendation? Support your reasoning with evidence: your own experiences and observations, research data, expert’s opinions, peer reviewed publications.

(C) Consider sustainability: whether your recommended LMS functionality fit the long term goals of the organization and the industry trends?

4. Publish your group report on the individual ePortfolio pages of the group members (these will be identical posts for every member in your group).

5. Submit your Platform Evaluation report individually.


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