Gender Equality has always been a hot issue in the Globe, particularly in less developed countries such as India, where women status is low. In these countries, women usually perform care work such as taking care children and the elderly, and housework. However, these unpaid works are not calculated in GDP, a measure of output that excludes unwaged work.
It is clear in our minds that these women’s unpaid efforts contribute a great betterment to our society. And in fact, once these efforts are paid, “world can be a much richer place”, according to a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). Studies state that countries can in fact boost the economy by 5-20% if women’s participation in paid jobs is on a par with men’s. Traditionally, people may have a perception that women are less productive and diligent than men. This study has overthrown the general impression such as weak and ineffective towards women.
Achieving gender equality is a mean of achieving civilization. Everyone benefits from an equal and courteous society, particularly women in less developed countries. Better still, studies have proved an increasing women’s participation can lead to a boost in our economy. It is hoped that this study can be a crucial step to encourage employers employing women regarding their abilities, but not gender.