The Infomercial Success: Snuggie


When we were asked in class if we would consider buying a Snuggie not even a fifth of the class answered that they would. The success of this product and the many other products advertised through infomercials is confusing to me as I feel they are often useless and often of poor quality but the strategy of the infomercials is able to convince many viewers to buy their products. explains that insomniacs (who are the most likely to be watching infomercials in the middle of the night) need to live a “hassle-free life”. They say that the industry of infomercials is able to continue growing through a weak economy, as “people tend to go back to the basics and seek out comfort and convenience products”. As we discussed in class it was clear that all infomercials had a common structure.

  • Reveal a problem/solution(s) and the convenience of the product: you can’t use your hands when using a normal blanket, but with sleeves you’d be able to eat read and even walk around. It could even decrease gas bills because high heating would no longer be required.
  • Presenting a bonus: a reading light (another “convenient product”) that compliments the Snuggie, as many buyers like to enjoy sitting on the couch and reading.
  • Pressuring the buyer/creating a sense of urgency: by providing a discount (and bonus reading light) for those customers who would buy the Snuggie immediately
  • Feedback/testimonials: the people in the infomercials served as reliable sources proving the product is useful and beneficial

Furthermore reveals that infomercials are actually like auditions for products, that in fact infomercial campaigns are launched in the location where the headquarters of retail chains are located so executives of the chains can track the products they see as most promising. With 95% of Snuggies currently being sold in retail stores, the “audition” infomercial can be recognized as successful.



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