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Creating my first pair of customized football boots back in 2009 I have admired this concept ever since and continually try out new designs just for fun. The first time I found about Nike ID I was in the Nike town shop in Piccadilly Circus and was so excited that I was going to be able to see my shoes get made, however the many colored thread to my disappointment were just for appearances. More recently however I found out the Nike has actually established physical studios that for myself personally I would gain a much greater consumer experience. That’s not to say that I don’t love the ability of being able to design shoes online when I’m bored at home, but when planning to make an actual purchase being able to take part of process of choosing different materials and threads would be all the more exciting. Although I feel many more of my peers are aware of this brand nowadays there are often people who have no idea of what Nike is offering and seem very unfamiliar with the idea that customizing your shoes is an option for nonprofessional athletes. Because of this observation I realize that this extremely cool offering is greatly under promoted. With such a great experience that this brand offers one would except to see more advertisements of this offer, including on the homepage of the Nike website like it was once was.
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