Ethical Market

Companies are spending an average of fifteen billion per annum on marketing to children under the age of 12.

A couple of facts:

  1. Children under the age of 8 perceive ads as accurate and unbiased.
  2. A 30 second commercial can change brand preference in children as young as two.

As a result major companies spend major money on advertising to kids to maximize profit. Most of the products advertised aren’t always good for kids. That’s where ethics kick in. Part of running a business includes social responsibility. Advertising products unfit for susceptible kids is clearly violating this very basic concept.

In the article attached by Gael O’Brien, he mentions the detrimental results McDonalds causes by advertising high fat, high calorie and low nutrition packet fast foods. The corporation uses marketing strategies like Ronald McDonald, a figure that symbolizes the food and fun of the corporation. Fun toys are often included to attract kids to buy their “Happy Meals,” and restaurants often have play areas for kids.   McDonalds restaurants usually stay open 24/7 and are cheap, thus increasing their appeal to parents.

All this causes an imprint in kids, of consumer choices of products and services that are detrimental to their own health. Thus the government should implement higher regulations for American corporations to restrict them from falling off the rails of their own social responsibilities.


Gael O’Brien. “Business Ethics.” Business Ethics RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.









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