BlackBerry is diving in one more time

With the announce of the release of the brand new “ BlackBerry Passport,” the company is affirmative that this product will bring BlackBerry up in the market.

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BBRY NASDAQ Chart (2010-Present) 

With competitors like IOS and Android phones, BlackBerry has been demolished falling from nearly $80 a share to nearly $9. With the company struggling to revive for the last three years, this could be their big break.

Looking at Porter’s Generic Strategies, Blackberry is clearly adopting a strategy that is in the middle of the Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategy. The BlackBerry Passport is priced at $599, which is below the Apple iPhone or most flagship Android devices. The company has implemented differentiation strategies to set its phone apart. The new phone features a physical keyboard, a 1 to 1 ratio screen and better battery life than most phones, combined with increased security features. The company is going back to its roots on this one by designing a phone fit for individuals who want a simple business phone that simply works well for its target market.



BABAD, M. (2014, September 22). BlackBerry’s John Chen on new Passport: Big screen, lower cost than iPhone. Retrieved October 6, 2014.

BlackBerry Passport Review. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2014, from

Sen, A. (2014, October 5). BlackBerry Passport: One for the corporate set. Retrieved October 6, 2014.


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