UBC faculty from UBC-Vancouver and UBC-Okanagan, meeting via video link passed overwhelmingly passed a motion to contribute $5000.00 to the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators Feed the Teachers Fund. Moved by Stephen Petrina and seconded by Charles Menzies the motion recognized the important work that BC teachers have been doing in standing up to an intransigent government.
A member from UBC-O, speaking in favour of the motion, reminded us that in Kelowna they understand what it is like to be on strike and “this motion is the least that we can do.” Others speaking in favour of the motion made reference to the important human rights issues involved.
One member who spoke against the motion raised the issue of ‘fiscal responsibility’ and questioned whether this was a wise investment of faculty association dollars. The other speaker opposed to the motion read excerpts from the purpose of the association as stated in the bylaws and constitution of the faculty association and rhetorically asked where the words political could be found in our mandate suggesting that the motion was a political act and our purpose was simply to look after the interests of our membership.
However, the overwhelming vote of support (by a margin of two to one, clearly demonstrates the associations’ recognition of the significance of the action taken by the teachers and the inappropriate behaviour of the government in this struggle.