Technology Changed the Apparel Businesses and also our Minds


The continuous global spread of technology has made the shopping experience so much more different than before. The distribution of internet users allow apparel businesses to take advantage and maximize cope of sales. In addition, advancements in technology have changed the way businesses compete and the way consumers perceive a brand. Apparel companies are rapidly following the trend by changing their old retail habits.

Online shops have obviously given consumers with the luxury of staying in the comfort of their homes while purchasing their products. I believe the easy access to information of products has made shoppers can know as much as the sales person. This shift from the traditional retail rituals tighten competition between retail businesses in general. Just by tinkering the digital display,design and content on their websites apparel brands such as Zara, Urban Outfitters, American Eagle Outfitters, and J.Crew will directly change their appeal to consumers.

 The availability of technology and information have rose competitive advantage of the apparel industry. I feel that the pressure of having an online shop has made it harder for apparel brand to compete to be the first on the consumers mind. Through my personal shopping experience, i concluded that the presence of online shops as a new channel for these apparel brands adds as another dimension for consumer to consider when trying to make a purchase.

The progression of technology has undoubtedly made a huge impact on the competitiveness of the apparel business. Overall, technology not only has change the industry but also how our minds, consumers, grasp a brand.




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