Positive Sustainability Through Enterprise


It is understandable that there are a lot of questions whether social enterprise and initiatives like the Arc are really necessary and not a redundant attempt considering that the United Nations was fully funded. However, after acknowledging the current state of the world’s welfare I strongly believe that the involvements of social enterprise and initiatives like the Arc are still very much needed.

Social enterprises are a sustainable cell on their own, unlike organisations such as the United Nation that seeks funding to carry out its purpose. In my opinion this approach will give a more sustainable positive outcome rather than depending on a third party for resources, taking account of the increasing problem of scarcity. Not to mention, I feel that it is necessary to point out that Social enterprises are more focused on creating an independent and continuous growth in the community that they targeted rather than short term improvements. Their involvement are targeted in catalyzing small businesses which in the end can create more jobs and therefore income. These organizations are built with a more direct focal point, rather than the United Nations that has a very large organizational structure which have a broader mission.

 In conclusion, i strongly believe that the presence of social enterprise and organisational such as the arc are still very much necessary in building a better quality of life . It is not debatable that the more help available the better is for everybody.




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