Canada’s Trillion Dollar Industry

It comes as no surprise that Canada is rich in resources. Recently, the conference board of Canada published a report that expects Canada’s natural gas industry to produce more than $1 trillion over the next 24 years. With emerging global markets particularly in Asia, the demand for oil and gas is expected to double from its $24.5 billion a year production between now and 2035. There are estimates that there will be over $386 billion in direct investment to keep up with demand. However, all of these projections are based on the fact that pipelines will go across BC and south of the border, which will be the main source of transportation.

The recent announcement that coincides with Prime Minister Stephen Harper attending the Asia-Pacific leaders’ summit conference in an effort to boost trade with the countries in South East Asia, Malaysia’s Petronas is committing $36 billion to build both a liquid natural gas plant in British Columbia and the pipeline to transport it with the eventual destination of South East Asia.

However, there are many opposed to the Northern gateway pipeline, which will transport oil across B.C to the tankers on the west coast of BC, and the Keystone Pipeline, which will transport oil to America. If Canada intends to tap on the potential of its natural resources, people will have to put aside their differences, because the entire country benefits from the increased revenue.

“Canada’s Natural Gas Industry Could Be worth $1 Trillion.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

“Malaysia’s Petronas Commits $36 Billion to B.C. Gas Plant, Pipeline.” N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

Boeing’s Struggles Continues

Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturing company, appears to have many problems, with each one leading to the next. Ever since 2007, Boeing had production and software issues to electrical, as well as battery explosions during the first batch of deliveries to commercial aircraft companies, resulting in the delay of the Boeing 787 dream liner aircraft.

Boeing has since then rectified the problems with its aircraft, but is behind in its delivery schedule and continues to disappoint while Airbus is becoming continually more successful with its Airbus 350 aircraft. The Airbus 350 is the direct competitor with the Boeing 787 and boasts a 25% efficiency margin over its rival aircraft.Recently, Airbus landed a monumental deal with Japan airlines worth $9.75 billion with an order of 31 Airbus 350’s with the possibility of another 25. This is revolutionary, as Airbus has finally been able to break into uncharted territories that had previously been held exclusively by Boeing.

Japan airlines has traditionally relied solely on Boeing with a few exceptions and the once strong Boeing has begun to weaken. Airbus’s success can be attributed to Boeing’s damaged credibility and can be seen as a gift to Airbus, which Boeing will continue to feel in the years to come. Boeing has to gain back its credibility to the airline industry that its aircraft can deliver on its promise and reliability to be able to compete with Airbus.


“Boeing 787 Dreamliner: A Timeline of Problems.” The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 28 July 2013. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

“Airbus and Japan Airlines Agree Landmark $9.5bn Deal.” BBC News. BBC, 10 July 2013. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

The American Dilemma

For weeks, the Republicans and Democrats have traded blame for a government shutdown which is hurting businesses all over the country, as many Federal agencies were shut down due to Congress’s inability to reach an agreement and an ideology war brewing in Congress.America is at risk of a default as the Republicans have refused raise to the debt ceiling without a significant structural plan to reduce government spending and no introduction of new taxes. To add, the Republicans have been adamant about their disapproval of the Affordable Care Act which is also known as “Obamacare” as part of any spending bill. Obamacare aims to provide health insurance to millions of Americans without coverage, much like the medicare system in Canada. However, the Republicans argue that massive government intrusion will cause premiums to skyrocket and put people out of work. If no settlement is made between the Republicans and the Democrats by October 17th, America will run out of money to pay its bills which could potentially cause a global economic crisis of greater damage than the 2008 global financial crisis.

With the unemployment rate slowly decreasing and cautious growth in America since the global financial crisis, the Republicans and Democrats need to put aside party ideology and work together in unity to recover from the crisis; a default is exactly what the economy does not need.

Example of disagreement between the Democrats and Republicans

Information from

“The Globe and Mail.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.