Apple Products Built On Mistreated Chinese Workers

Apple, one of the world’s most wealthy and dominant companies in the world, has been criticized for violating multiple labour laws upon constructing its products through its partner, Foxconn, in China. Foxconn is Appleā€™s main contract manufacturer, and its biggest private sector employer in China was found to have atrocious working conditions for its workers with extreme working hours and unpaid overtime.

The fact that the average employee working in the Foxconn production plant worked an average of 60 hours per week earning only an average of $400 per month without overtime is appalling. One would think that Apple, a company worth over $185 billion, would provide a safe environment for its manufacturers; their terrible working conditions, however, come as a surprise to many.

The factory workers at Foxconn deserve better working conditions, considering large corporations such as Apple and Foxconn receive billions of revenue each year. Many of Foxconn’s factory workers stay an average of two years before heading back to their respective towns to open a business. The workers at Foxconn deserve a safer environment because they leave their towns to find work. Apple and Foxconn should have the decency to hold basic business ethics for its workers.


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