Rob Ford’s Saga

Ever since Rob Ford was caught smoking cocaine while making racist and anti-gay comments, it seems that Rob Ford is sparking controversies one after another. Furthermore, Rob Ford attacking the media, calling them “a bunch of maggots” does not help his image, but instead tarnishes his image more while adding fuel to the fire for the media. Rob Ford’s controversies, spanning from speaking to the public while intoxicated in a street fair to buying illegal drugs, is in an indication of Rob Ford’s time to resign. Rob Ford is truly an enemy on his own through his comments to the public such as “we’re going to have to spank little tiger cat” (referring to the CFL playoff matchup between the Toronto Argonauts and the Hamilton Tiger Cats), and “It says I wanted to eat her p*ssy and I have never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I’m happily married. I’ve got more than enough to eat at home” (referring to allegations made by his former staff).

Rob Ford has not only tarnished the city of Toronto, but has also put himself in a position to be ridiculed by literally every U.S. late-night TV program, including The Colbert Report, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Late Night with David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel Live and, most recently, by SNL. With recent news that Toronto mayor Rob Ford is being stripped of his mayoral powers, he needs to step aside and let the City of Toronto begin to repair its reputation.,0,4841717.story#axzz2kwQQUFjO

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