Web Folio Reflection

The Web Folio assignment was the final assignment of the term and accounts for a major part of the course. A Web Folio is an online platform that allows someone to display their portfolio of work. In the case of my Web Folio, it is focused on displaying the work I have completed for this course.

Going into the assignment I assumed it would be a straightforward process, as I would simply add on to my existing blog. This thought was naive as I quickly ran into numerous problems regarding formatting. After watching several tutorials on UBC Blogs, I was able to create a menu to rearrange the elements of my website and choose a more professional theme.


Another element that surprised me when completing this assignment was the best works section of the website. I assumed that this section would be one of the most straight forward as I would simply concentrate all of my previous work on a single page. However, after reviewing my assignments and the criteria for the Web Folio I felt that my work should be further revised. A further revision of my work allows me to better illustrate the lesson I learned this term.

Overall I enjoyed this assignment as it is something that I have never done before. Being out of my comfort zone with this assignment was frustrating at times, but taught me many things. Going forward, I do believe that a Web Folio is an effective platform for a professional career. After I graduate I will most likely create and update a Web Folio regarding my professional achievements.

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