Best Works

During my time as an English 301 student, I completed various writing assignments. Listed below are my best works, which include a brief introduction to their contents. Clicking the hyperlink in each header will bring you to the posted document!

Definition Assignment:

The objective of the Definition Assignment was to choose a word that relates to my professional field and define it for a particular audience. I decided to define the word ‘fuel cell’ and explain it to a nontechnical audience. Three definitions of the term ‘fuel cell’ are included: a parenthetical, a sentence, and an expanded definition. In my expanded definition, I elaborate on the benefits, uses, safety concerns, and components of fuel cells.

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment:

My first peer review was for David Cheung, a member of my writing team. David wrote an informative and well-written document on the term ‘debasement.’ In my review, I highlight the missing assignment criteria: statement of target audience. Further, I suggest improvements to the organization and grammar of the document.

Formal Report Proposal & Proposal Memo:

The formal report is a major assignment in English 301.  In my proposal, I decided to explore the feasibility of implementing a website at my current employment, Piquant Gourmet Foods. This proposal describes the intended audience and elaborates on why a website is valuable to Piquant. In my proposal, I describe my qualifications and how I plan to pursue this study.

The intention of the Proposal Memo is to inform Dr. Erika Paterson that the proposal has been posted. This memo summarizes the contents of the formal report proposal and encloses a PDF copy of the document.

Progress Report for the Formal Report: 

This assignment details the progress I made during the Formal Report writing process. In this progress report, I highlight my methods of research, research plan, and writing schedule. Included in this document are also links to the surveys I used for this study.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo:

LinkedIn plays an important role in the professional world. In this memo, I provide a list of 10 best practices when using LinkedIn as a professional networking site.

Memo to Evan Crisp:

Writing with a you-attitude is important in professional writing. Evan Crisp requested advice on the contents of his message to Professor Lambert, as he did not receive a response. This memo offers solicited advice to Evan Crisp on the best practices in writing emails to professionals.

Complaint letter & Response Letter:

The objective of this assignment was to choose an experience resulting in dissatisfaction and to write two letters based on it: a complaint letter from my perspective, and a bad news response letter from the company representative. For this assignment, I used a recent experience I had regarding a faulty toaster from T-fal.

The complaint letter details the problem I have with the product using a friendly tone, and proposes a solution to mitigate the issue at hand. The response letter uses the you-attitude to reduce the impact of the bad news when suggesting an alternative solution.

Peer Review of a Formal Report:

The peer review offers positive, yet constructive criticism to a member of my writing team, Harvey Dhaliwal. I commented on the highlights of Harvey’s report, as well as some areas requiring improvement. I offered Harvey some suggestions to improve the final document by: including a working header, correcting minor grammatical errors, and using a you-attitude.