About English 301

English 301 is a writing course that focuses on technical communications. This course helps build the fundamental skills required to produce professional writings for business communications. With the aid of textbook readings and writing activities, this course provides exposure to the elements that are required for a student to succeed in professional contexts.

With an online delivery, English 301 provides hands-on experience with technical communications. These skills will be developed through the support of online discussions, peer reviews, as well as blogs to present writing assignments. Aside from technical communications, English 301 provides the opportunity and resources to improve self-editing skills.

Throughout the term, students in English 301 will develop their professional portfolio. They will be able to display their efforts during the course in the form of a Formal Report, Application Package, and a Web Folio. At the end of the term, students will have developed the confidence to communicate professionally online.

Being in the technology industry, it is extremely valuable to be proficient in communicating through technical platforms. Nearing the end of my academic career, English 301 has been extremely valuable in developing my skills for writing in professional settings. Furthermore, with this Web Folio, prospective employers will be able to view my best works from English 301.