Linking Assignment
This assignment is to visit your colleagues’ webspaces to read, absorb, and ponder their engagement with the course and the means by which they display this engagement in comparison with your own.
You will then choose 6 items from 6 different sites that link, in some way, to your experience. Post these links in a separate “page” on your own site complete with a summary and reason (reflection) for the link.
In including these links to others’ sites, you will want to be deliberate and thoughtful. When choosing a section to link to, think about why and how your content connects. Note that this connection could be adversarial—your colleague may present a foil to an argument you have made, for instance. Or, they may have created a completely different rendering for similar content.
Evan Daigle – Task 7 – Mode Bending
Isabella – Task 11 – Algorithms
Jazz Chapman – Task 7 – Mode Bending
Some questions to consider when you summarize and reflect upon your links:
- How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know?
- What web authoring tool have they chosen to manifest their work?
- How does their tool differ from yours in the ways in which it allows content-authouring and end-user interface?
- What literacies does their site privilege or deny in comparison and contrast to yours?
- What theoretical underpinnings are evident in your/your colleague’s textual architecture and how does this affect one’s experience of the work?
- How do the constraints of the course design manifest in your architectural choices? How have you responded to the pedagogical underpinnings of this course design in your own web space?
The goal of this task is to create a web of interconnection between all the different content created by the students in ETEC 540. As such, we encourage you not only to make your own connections but to visit and review the connections being made by your colleagues on an ongoing basis. You may make as many links as you wish but only six are required to fulfill the terms of this assignment.
This assignment is an ongoing project that, ideally, should start from about Week 2 or 3.
We expect that you will visit your colleagues’ sites on a regular basis AND contribute to them (via comments, co-authoring, annotations, etc.) as a part of your participation grade.
To make this activity easier for you, the instructors will collect all your personal webspaces’ URLs and make them available for everyone to access. You can find a link to this resource (Students’ webspaces) on the main menu.
The Linking Assignment is due at the end of the course.