50 Times More Radiation Exposure Being Used on Public

The United States Government has, since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, progressively ramped up security measures at borders and airports across the nation.  Some 250 “high-powered, ultra-revealing and potentially dangerous backscatter x-ray machines,” have been implemented at stations that scan the human body, and it has perked the ears of more than a few private-sector experts. 

The testing for these “safe” machines is done by in-house and government professionals – who perhaps are not the most impartial of people.  Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., a board certified neurosurgeon, with reference to several other medical doctors, states that in order to fully prove these machines safety, they must be subject to a panel of third-party experts – something that the government has no intention of doing.  In letters written by experts, it is said that “[the radiation] would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, [but] the dose to the skin may be dangerously high.”

The greatest issue in regards to ethics that comes out of this story is that in some cases, according to allgov.com, “[the government is] sometimes using them on people without their knowledge or consent.”  When it comes to potentially harming innocent people without their approval, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has crossed a serious line, especially for a government business.

Full Article @: http://www.naturalnews.com/037181_body_scanners_radiation_health_risks.html


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My name is Nicholas Andrew Rimmer, and I am a student in Commerce 101 at The Sauder School of Business at The University of British Columbia.  This is my blog, where I make posts relevant to our course and the material and topics we explore.

I hope you don’t find my thoughts and opinions on certain topics and issues too particularly dull or boring 🙂

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