Tom Dobrzanski – The Unconventional Route

I remember back in High School, when faced with the choice of which courses to take for my final year, my school councilor asked me (the cliche): “Well, what do you want to be when you grow up?”  I remember thinking to myself, “I have no idea, this sucks that I have to make this decision now, how should I know?”  The funny thing is, I still don’t know the answer to this question; but that’s okay.

     As I recently was introduced to a man named Tom Dobrzanski, I was able to witness firsthand that I am not the first to be in this state of career-choosing-limbo.  Tom is a Sauder School of Business alumni, who demonstrated that the path to where you want to end up is not clearly marked or easily decided.  He went through the standard 4 years of undergraduate schooling, and he enjoyed his stay, but as he approached the time of seeking employment, he instead chose to follow his heart to music.  Tom and some of his then-current bandmates (a band called Lotus Child) opened up a recording studio.

     I have realized that it is 100% possible to advance through post-secondary schooling with only a general idea of where you want to end up, and also that this idea may change very quickly.  Tom is now involved with his more recent band, The Zolas, and his profession stimulates both his musician side as well as his business-background orientation.  I hope that wherever I end up, I can find myself both passionate about my job and satisfied by its integration of my education.

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(The Zolas – The Great Collapse ^)

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