The Cost of Your Degree

-Ever since I was a young child I knew that I wished to get a post-secondary education.  Being so young, I’m not sure why I felt this way; I can assure you that as an 8 year old I didn’t know any facts on how having a degree impacts your career possibilities, or that financing a university experience could be very costly.  I think that the pursuit of higher education just naturally seemed to mean going to university, I don’t think it ever crossed my mind not to attend.  However, as we discussed in class recently, what is the actual cost/benefit of pursuing a degree? Philip Finkelstein, a fellow classmate, recently also wrote on this subject, blogging that if he solely had to finance a 4 year university degree, he would not do it in the first place.  If one can get a job right out of high school, and progress their way to a position within 4 years that trumps the starting position they would have received coming out of university with a bachelors degree, which path do you think they would take?  One must take into account that this 4 year degree represents a large investment of time and capital.  I don’t believe there is a concrete answer to this question, as either option cannot be considered ceteris paribus.  So many factors remain variable, and it depends greatly on where the individual wishes to end up.  Personally, I think a degree is the right option, but I cannot confidently advise certain people to make the same judgement.

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