Enbridge Fighting a Losing Battle


Enbridge Inc.’s controversial Northern Gateway Pipeline can be considered a fish with it’s belly up.  After months of political discussions, debate, public protest and heated arguments, the obstacles facing the company and its project have formed a mountain not even the North American energy giant can climb.  According to an article written in The Globe and Mail newspaper on October 5th 2012 by Jeffrey Simpson, regardless of the companies efforts form this point onward, the fight is over.  Even though the National Energy Board hearings and last-ditch efforts will be continue, it just simply isn’t going to happen.

   The project would have supposedly created 300 new jobs, 560 of which would be long-term employment, and bring in $318 million in local goods and services to the coast of British Columbia.  It sounds nice, I know, but the risk involved and the other side of the issue are also convincing, as displayed by the loud protesters of the project.  Will this outcome be a missed opportunity for the West-Coast market?  Would the environmental risks have been worth it?  Or would there have been another ‘technical failure‘?  I don’t know the answer to these questions, but I value our beautiful BC setting greatly and any threat avoided can be seen in a positive light.


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