Identity Theft


A company’s name is sacred. It takes numerous years to make your company’s name known globally, and a lot of hard work to have a certain image associated with your company’s name. When I think of “Starbucks” I think of good quality, sophistication, deliciousness, comforting, and much more positive traits. This is Starbucks’ brand image, and they generated through their business tactics and strategy.

A small family owned roaster in New Hampshire named their company “Charbucks”. This is very obviously a remake of Starbucks’ name, and Starbucks attempted to bring justice to their brand name, but lost the appeal. Naming the company “Charbucks” is the family owned businesses attempt to attract customers through the brand image already created by “Starbucks”. In turn, the inconsistent business practices and products of the smaller company can soil Starbucks’ brand name. This is just like stealing a persons name and pretending to be them. Clearly this is wrong, but the legal system in the United States is not capable of noticing that.


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