Faltering Target Still Aiming High

American retail giant Target has been undergoing tough times as of late, with flat same-store sales and its share price down 14% this year.

These problems are caused by various troubles, including the threat of growing competition in the fast-fashion arena from stores such as Kohl’s and JCPenney. It has also become increasingly apparent that Target’s wages and employee benefits are eerily similar to its less-trendy, oft-criticized rival Wal-Mart. And Target has been hurt by its e-commerce blunders, including broken hyperlinks on the launch day of its revamped site and the recent crash from the overwhelming demand for its Missoni line, mistakes which are incredibly disappointing from, and damaging to, such a large retailer.

However, Target has high hopes; it aims to boost its revenue by 48% to $100 billion by 2017 with strategites including improving its e-commerce and Canadian expansion. It plans to open around 130 stores in Canada in 2013, and expansion into Canada may be a smart move due to the lack of competitors here like Kohl’s and JCPenney. But Target should also rectify problems in its treatment of employees – if not for ethics in and of itself, then to polish its fading image, before its name is as tarnished as Wal-Mart’s.

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