A Canadian Studies Blog by Nicole Diaz

Making Connections

Welcome to my Blog 🙂

My name is Nicole Diaz, I’m a fourth-year bachelors of science student at UBC Okanagan, majoring in Psychology. That being said you, may be wondering how I ended up here, in an online English course of all places. I took an interest in Canadian literature after taking a course in Indigenous studies. We focused a lot in that class on the biases of different authors by looking at the things they say (or omit saying) and more importantly how they say them. Should you ever get the chance to read Indigenous Writes by Chelsea Vowel (its available in UBC’s Library), I would highly recommend it. In the very beginning of the book she explores how some authors do and don’t use capitalization (writing indigenous instead of Indigenous) and the impact it has on the perception of what, and who, they are writing about.

In this course, I’m expecting to be able to look at the readings in a similar way and be able to have discussions about the different perspectives. A favourite artist of mine, Kristine Flaherty (more commonly known as K.Flay) wrote and sang the lyric: “I tried to write a book but I misunderstood what I had seen and so the story made no sense. Stories all depend on whose perspective you prefer, is it an I or is it her?” Canadian Literature is a fascinating thing to explore, as it really does depend on the perspective of the writer.

Autumn Peltier, a Wiikwemkoong First Nation, gave an inspiring speech to the United Nations addressing the issue of clean water. In her speech she said she’s been taught traditional knowledge from an early age. I’ve learnt that much First Nations knowledge is passed down through their oral traditions, so I will find it interesting to see if in the readings of this course the First Nations perspective is present.

I hope to have the opportunity of connecting with fellow students in this online platform. I’m getting the impression blogging is new for a lot of us, myself included, so this should be fun!


I took this picture while camping, we really do live in Beautiful British Colombia

Works cited:

Vowel, Chelsea. Indigenous Writes : A Guide to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit issues in Canada, Portage & Main Press, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ubc/detail.action?docID=4832580.

“Its Just a Lot”, YouTube, uploaded by K.Flay, 11 December 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ_3UsOIzfw.

Hanson, Erin. “Oral Traditions.” Indigenousfoundations, https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/oral_traditions/.

“’We Can’t Eat Money or Drink Oil,’ Autumn Peltier Tells UN | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 28 Sept. 2019, https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/canadian-indigenous-water-activist-autumn-peltier-addresses-un-on-clean-water-1.5301559




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