The Home We Share

I very much enjoyed my adventure through reading everyone’s sense of home. Along this journey, I found many people whose thoughts were like my own, and many more who were completely different. I found it quite interesting to see how people’s own definitions of home either related very closely to their own self-identity, or rather were very much ingrained in a place, or location.

I explored the stories of Claire, Grace, Arianne, Lilly, Eva and Jacob the most, for each one of them offered a unique perspective that I was able identify with. That being said, none of us were exactly the same, which instils even more the fact that home is a subjective concept. It is different for everyone.

In Claire’s story, she describes home as the place you grew up and grew into yourself. She talks about how home is the place that shapes who you are. These are both concept that I highly related to, and they are both feelings that I also tried to convey in my own writing. Near the end of her blog she mentions saying “goodbye” to a home. I also did this, and while you might wonder how impactful it could be to say goodbye to place, unlike a person, it still leaves an impression.

Grace and Eva both describes home as something safe and comfortable, as a place with people that love you. I very much related to how Arianne describes home as “[being] found in many more places than where you were born.” Lilly’s blog was fun to read, I found a lot of similarities between her definition of home being “the stories we connect to the feeling” and my definition of what home is. Every time I think of my first home, I imagine all the thousands of stories that made it what it was.

Similar to Jacob’s, story, I also spend time travelling to find a new sense of home. Unlike Jacob, I never found it within myself. Almost inevitably, my sense of home seems to always be closely tied to those I am with.

At the end of the day, I still hold fast to my own definition of home, but seeing through the eyes of others while reading their thoughts I can say that my view of the concept of home has certainly expanded. I liked how many other people thought of it as a feeling, when I discovered it for myself I felt like it was quite the revelation.


Works cited

Dvorak, Eva. “2.2 A Story Of Home” Oh Canada: Our Home and Native Land? 28 Jan. 2020,

Mclellan, Lilly. “My Sense of Home: Occupying a Liminal Space.” Reflection on Canadian Literature: Storytelling and Tracing the First Voices, 28 Jan. 2020,

Kosh, Jacob. “Recent Posts.” Jacob Kosh’s Blog, 27 Jan. 2020,

Robbins, Arianne. “Assignment 2:2 The Feeling of Home” Ari’s Canadian Literature Blog 28 Jan. 2020,

Taylor, Claire. “Assignment 2.2” ENGL372 Claire Taylor, 28 Jan. 2020,

Owens, Grace. “Grace Owens’s English 372 Blog.” Grace Owens’s English 372 Blog, 27 Jan. 2020,