A Canadian Studies Blog by Nicole Diaz

Midterm Review

I’m pretty sure we’re all feeling the same mix of “Oh my, it’s already midterm season, thank gosh!” and “Oh no, it’s midterm time!”

I, for one, am very excited to be halfway through the semester, but at the same time there is a large cloud of looming due dates and assignments hanging around, that have me dreaming of the sunnier days in April

A dreamy April sky (my own photo)
that “midterm” sky (my own photo)

For the midterm evaluation, the three blogs I have chosen are linked below. I also included a little blurb of what they are about 🙂

Blog 1: Story & Literature

In this blog I explored the aspects of social media ad hypertext in the context of literature, and how they might be impactful to both literature and story.  For this particular post, I researched especially the meanings of the different words, and the implication of applying those definitions to literature. I received a few comments on this post, and I very much enjoyed the opportunity of engaging with the other students in this class!

Blog 2: Sense of Home

I quite enjoyed writing this particular blog, as it gave me the opportunity to use my voice as a storyteller, but also as a student, to explore my own definition of “Home”. I would also like to note, that most of us are fortunate to be able to call a place home, since for so many their homes, and their native lands, are being debated, stolen and destroyed.

Blog 3:  Paradox of Dichotomies

For this post, I chose to explore the use of Dichotomies in Thomas King’s stories. Not only do dichotomies have a powerful effect on challenging the way people think, but they also set up a binary notion of having to chose something over another. The implication that believing in something devalues the truth of something else creates a conflict when that belief is challenged. Whether or not we implicitly do this, and how morality is developed, are both interesting aspects to take in to account.

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