Just Another iPhone?

There’s been loads of anticipation for the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, but is this phone really worth it? Even though this article by CBC News reveals that the new iOS provides consumers with new features, I don’t believe the changes are enough.

Ranging from Samsung to Blackberry to HTC, Apple has a lot of competitors. Instead of constantly making tiny adjustments in every new iOS and phone, Apple might as well carefully plan their updates in order for them not to lose support from their consumers.

As an iPhone user looking forward to changing her phone to one of another company’s, I believe that Apple is smoothly pulling in their consumer demographic by slowly releasing new features. Not only does this tactic waste the consumers’ money and time, but in the company’s point of view, it also gives Apple a bad reputation of being greedy. This plan, however, has proved to be successful in earning consumers’ support, and even though it is working now, I don’t know how much longer Apple can con their targets anymore.

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