What Happened to Ethics?

I’d have to admit that the class where Mike of Pirate Joe’s visited was my favourite one yet.

After Mike’s speech, what I didn’t understand was how he could gloriously demonstrate his unethical actions as if he was right. It seems as Mike is fearless, and the “Unafraid” part of Pirate Joe’s motto certainly confirms it.

Business problems arise when peoples’ ethical standards change, therefore,  I doubt Mike’s standards. Sauder constantly reminds  students to make ethical decisions, and yet, standing in front of us is a Sauder graduate who earns money by cheating.

From Mike’s lecture about his business, I realized that in some cases, the unethical businesses are the successful ones. Mike must have gone through brilliant planning to get away for reselling the products of Trader Joe’s. This interesting story about Pirate Joe’s is certainly one to retell.

After the class, I had a reality check. Would I really like to live my life in risk? I surely wouldn’t put my 4 years of business education to waste and go against my morals. I applaud Mike’s success with Pirate Joe’s so far, but I’m proud to say that I won’t be another one of Mike Hallatt in the future.

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