Conned by the Government?

The Philippines has been struck with a horrifying typhoon, and the death of innocent villagers is at such a high number that the death toll still can not be counted. In Tacloban, the city that was hit the hardest by Typhoon Haiyan, corpses are lying everywhere from ditches to the streets. Fortunately, selfless people all over the world donated relief money to the Filipinos to help out the people affected from the typhoon.

It has been noted that the priority of the Philippines government is simply to bury the deceased as fast as possible, thus not allowing  friends and families of the dead to  have one last glance of their cherished ones. This unethical act of such a corrupted government is outrageous and inconsiderate to the people affected.

In class, I have been taught about the ethicality of businesses and enterprises, but not about the government. I’m sure most people know that some politicians are deceitful beings who put their self-interests before the social interest, but in the case of a natural disaster where millions of people were innocently killed, some actions have to be clearly made about where the relief money from donors are funded to.


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