My “Yes” to Snapchat’s “No”

As most people know by now, Snapchat had declined Facebook’s offer of buying out the company for 3 billion dollars. Inspired by a post by Shubhankar Rustagi that mainly describes why Facebook would want to buy Snapchat, I am going to concentrate more on the reason why the founder of Snapchat turned down Facebook’s deal.

Since Snapchat has proven to be such a successful company, it is obvious that there are multiple investors aside from Facebook. Some investment offers have been so tempting to consider, such as Tencent Holdings Limited from China’s offer that would raise Snapchat’s value to $4 billion.

With so many choices to expand the company, why should Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat, choose to sell his hard work to Facebook instead?

I believe Spiegel has made a brilliant choice in not allowing Facebook to buyout Snapchat. After all, this company has only been founded for 2 years, with many chances to become better and more profitable. Not to mention, this man is only 23 years old, and at such a young age, if he made any wrong decisions on his business, he could still find a way to recover financially or discover a new innovative idea.

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