It’ll Only Go Up From Here

It has been 2 months since the Sauder Frosh chant incident started, and the media has backed off. Commenting on a blog post by Rina Shimizu that was written during the time when Sauder was under stressful attacks, I realize that a lot has changed since then.

University was supposed to be an amazing experience, and the CUS and Frosh leaders certainly wanted to give the first years  a memorable time at Frosh. With this scandal, however, patriotic first years are suddenly slammed and looked down upon for being in Sauder.

Therefore, I am proud to say that Sauder is currently being rebranded, and swift actions are taken to prove to the world that one mistake is not going to lead to our downfall. The CUS team attempted to approve funding for counselling at UBC directed at sexual violence. Although there was a disappointingly low percentage of voters, and the referendum failed, the efforts made by the CUS Board of Directors were admirable.

In conclusion, Sauder is still in the process of improving and moving forward from the foolish mistakes made during Frosh, and hopefully, our branding will be improved after the actions of our faithful CUS.

One Comment

  1. I think Sauder will definitely grow from this. There are mistakes in every faculty, it’s just that Sauder was caught at a bad timing. I think Sauder will become an even better faculty from this unlucky experience.

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