This is a few pieces of artwork I’ve produced in recent years. Lady Gaga the fashion icon was someone I have projected myself onto. The hero-like figure, which I subconsciously idolized was the subject of my abstract piece.

Lady Gaga Acrylic, Impasto Gel Medium on canvas 70 x 60 x 2.3 Jan 2014

“Bond” was symbolic for the warmth and softness intimacy gives me. Yin Zhaohui’s use of colors and extreme close-ups influenced my work. I went back to fashion and was Gruau’s use of lines and colors, which enhanced the beauty of the female figure. My ideals for prettiness emerged as the subject matter; my artworks became a reflection of my aspiration for beauty.

Bond, oil on canvas, 90 x 59.5 x 2.15, Feb – Mar 2014

My favorite piece “invasion of the beetles” was an embodiment of my fears. I looked at McQueen’s work inspired by Escher would convey my fear. He influenced my evolving beetles, which showed my fear for insects and suggests fear for change. I was also influenced by Persson’s washed effect, which I find feminine and contrasts with the details of the beetles that balances the painting.

Invasion on beetles, Gouache on paper, DIameter 43.2, Nov 2014

My most recent work is about violence; which I enforce on myself when I am pressured, or when I feel isolated. I was influenced by Horn’s use of creating straps and colors, who is another influence of McQueen’s work.

Limbo of pain, Nails, sandpaper, acrylic, gouache on canvas, 45 x 59.9 x 1.3, Feb 2015

Below are some experimental pieces with water color as well. I had explored with different styles of brush work for the emotion I want to convey.

Doubt, Gouache on paper, 3 panels of 59.5 x 42, Oct 2014
Doubt 1, Gouache on paper, 3 panels of 59.5 x 42, Oct 2014
Doubt 3, Gouache on paper, 3 panels of 59.5 x 42, Oct 2014
Doubt 3, Gouache on paper, 3 panels of 59.5 x 42, Oct 2014


Jealousy, Gouache on paper, 59.8 x 41.8, Oct 2014
Jealousy, Gouache on paper, 59.8 x 41.8, Oct 2014

I’ve moved onto working digitally since then. This is my most recent piece with expressing beauty and pain. If you look closely, the colourful circles are snippets of frame from a plastic surgery video. I tried to bring in gruesome detail as a warning for media’s obsession with beauty.
