Un-Marketing the Rhino Horn

The South African rhino poaching crisis has been surging across the country, as well spreading across the continent. Even though there is an international trade ban, activists say that a ban will not stop the rhino’s from being killed for their horns, and has in fact caused the creation of a “lucrative black market.” I found it interesting that advocates for saving the rhinos suggested that the first step be to “un-market” rhino horns. Researchers found that it’s mainly rich Vietnamese men who buy these horns as a symbol of wealth and wellness. In order to change the way rhino horns are being seem by consumers, it was suggested that the “product” be presented as being dangerous by injecting poison into the rhino horns as a way to shift consumers’ views about the product. The fact that the rhino poaching issue is being treated as if it were a business issue regarding consumer interest almost seems wrong since they are not just a product to be analyzed and manipulated, but it has been proven that consumers respond very strongly to the way products are marketed and if “un-marketing” the rhino horn will have a chance at saving the population, it’s worth a try.


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