Is ‘Coin’ the future?

Too good to be true? One card that can electronically store up to 8 different cards in one place? In order to distinguish between your different cards, there’s a digital display that will card details corresponding to a specific card-all at the touch of a button. The creators have definitely got the ‘cool’ image and convenience factors covered. Sounds like the perfect product in a world where convenience, technology and image are arguably amongst the top most desired values customers look for in a product. Not quite as revolutionary as the iPhone where an iPod, Phone and Internet Browser were forged into one stylish product but it’s definitely a seller in my opinion. This engaging blog by G.Bensinger provided basic information about the new concept and the industry.

People’s financial security is of great concern in the digital age. The Coin has sought to tighten it up by using low powered bluetooth that connects your phone to you Coin and your phone informs you if you’ve forgotten it. Plus there’s an emergency setting should your Coin get lost. It’s easily the most slick idea in years. Exclusive to iPhone’s Appstore? If so, Apple might’ve hit the jackpot.


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