The 10 Worst Corporate Accounting Scandals of All Time
The business PunditĀ commented on the “worst corporate accounting scandals of all time” that someone sent to him as a graphic. He comments that making accounting scandals in the business industry at this time of a technological movement, and where it is possible to do anything through internet, is the worst type of a scandal that can happen to a business and that they are very hard to cover up. This according to me, shows how important it is to professionally look over accounts of businesses as these scandals can easily be overlooked. So after looking at this post, a question rose in my mind. How much can we trust the businesses that we rely on for everyday aspects. If they can lie about their financial statements, they can lie about the qualities of their products, their prices, their ethics, their attention to or rather their lack of attention to social and environmental aspects. This really makes us think about whom to trust and whom not to and the reputation that every company has and whether each of the companies deserve the given reputation.